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– Carmen Thomas

Certified Health and Life Coach, Transformational Coach, Master Coach.

Have you lost your way? Are roadblocks, dead ends, and lack of clarity preventing you from becoming your best self?


I’m Carmen and you are not alone. My past is filled with many of the same challenges. Today, however, I have peace in my soul and much happiness. This new lease on life has led to a new calling. I became a certified Health and Life Coach so that I would be able to help others break through barriers that deter them from becoming the best version of themselves.


The journey to inner peace and happiness may seem impossible now but through the simple tools of Transformational Coaching, you can move forward by changing habits and beliefs that no longer serve your full potential. So, I’m inviting you to start your journey with me. I’m in this for you, because I truly believe we all matter.


Judgement Free Zone, 100% Confidentiality. Complimentary Consultation.


Send me an email: umattercoaching@outlook.com

Interested in hearing more of my story? Sign up for my mailing list for more.

“If you don’t make time for your happiness and wellness… you will be FORCED to make time for your sadness and illness.”


All programs include 5 step Transformational Coaching techniques and habit-changing methods.


Health and wellness support through chronic illness, sustainable weight loss, and other health related issues.


Support, encouragement, and guidance will help you gain clarity and direction.


Designed to find clarity and help you reach your personal goals in health and life. Lets Talk.


We use 5 step Transformational Coaching techniques customized to each individual’s needs.


Learn how to eliminate or manage anxiety and negative thoughts in a light and effective way.

Join my mailing list and receive free Health E Tips.

What is a Coach?

A coach empowers, Inspires, supports, encourages, and guides. We hold clients accountable and believe in their potential when no one else does. “A Coach is the difference between I want to do it and… I DID IT!”

I work with people who struggle with getting off the vicious cycle of worry and self doubt. I help them move forward with new clarity, power and purpose, to reclaim their self-worth and experience their highest potential.

Undeniable – book available on Amazon.ca

Francine Moonie is a sensitive, awkward, and anxious young girl. Born in Indiana in the 1950’s, she is raised in a middle-class Catholic family which has a history of mental illness. Like many teenagers, Francine yearns for freedom and an escape from heartache and emptiness. Finally facing her breaking point, Francine descends on to a path of darkness, which for some is a point of no return.

Continually questioning God’s existence and goodness, she leaves a trail of chaos and uncertainty in her wake. As her life unravels around her, she must confront a key question: are the most bizarre, insignificant experiences of one’s life being silently woven together toward a greater purpose… or can those experiences be disregarded as mere coincidences?